It’s Five O’clock Somewhere
Well, it’s finished! I stopped work on The Connection, my first book still unpublished, to co-author a novel called The Five O’clock Follies with Richard Brundage.
The ideas behind this book have been in Dick’s head for 50 years! So after much research and late night emails between the two of us (plus one meeting where I recorded Dick’s experiences in his own words), the different events and ideas congealed into a work of fiction we are both proud of.
The easiest way to describe the book is to think of MASH in Vietnam but in a media press center run by the U.S. Army.
I consider our venture a success before it sold a single copy. Why? We got Dick’s ideas down on paper.
It was a great challenge for me – writing a book with another person. It was easier and harder than I thought. In the end, we came out with a great product, and Dick can finally rest (Ha, if you know him, he doesn’t rest a lot).
Give it a read. Give us a review. Laugh, cry, or whatever. It’s a good story.