Book 2 (ebook) done
I haven’t had much time to devote to my website, trying to get book #2 complete (and this day job thing keeps getting in the way). Now for the most difficult part. Waiting…
Macy Thompson, the protagonist in The Switch, doesn’t like to wait. I suppose everything in my books is part of my character and psyche. But waiting for readers to experience your story and give you feedback is the toughest part. Given I don’t have a big publishing house behind me or a big advertising budget, my expectations for sales are tempered. Yet its not the number of readers, its the individual reader’s experience that matters most to me. To tell you the truth, I’d be just as happy writing for 300 as for 3000 readers.
With the realization that I’m asking someone to give up 8-12 hours of their life, I know my book competes with the high-paced, high priority world out there. It also competes with a growing disinterest in reading anything longer than a page or two. The very technology that allowed me to become a writer is pushing away the audience. So I have to be good at this…
Makes me think about this blog. Who will read it? Very few people. I’m talking mostly to myself. And the same can be said about the stories I write. I get to escape into other people’s lives after work, write sentences and paragraphs that make me say “yep, that’s good,” and at the same time, drive myself crazy because it is NEVER good enough.
Hope people enjoy The Switch. And if your here, I’ll probably blog about once a week about anything and everything.
Plus I plan on putting a few short stories on the site. Good Saturday to everyone…and thank you to our veterans on this V-day!