About me
I started dabbling in fiction about fifteen years ago. Given I’ve spent most of my life applying the equations of motion (and a few other constructs) to the atmosphere in my day work, I felt a need to work the creative side of my brain. The process of putting together an intricate plot felt right–fun and rewarding.
The Redemption is actually my second novel. The first, The Connection, was written in the early 2000s but never published (until 2019). Following The Redemption came The Switch and then a very unique project where I co-wrote a Vietnam-era novel based on my co-author’s experiences. My next project is quite ambitious. Hint: I go back in time 170 years.
My other hobby is photography. Writing and taking pictures demand roughly equal shares of my free time. Both are creative in that each wants to relay a story. And many of my pictures tend to spark written story ideas. For instance, here’s a story in the making, wouldn’t you agree:
A one day outing with my camera sparks more ideas than I care to dwell on. 🙂
What I desire: To write a simple, good story with knowable, touchable characters that people enjoy reading about. Hopefully, the plots will provide a few surprises and also lead the reader to discover “near-surprises.”
My challenge: Describing the genre of my books. The Redemption is mystery, suspense, and romance tied together. The Switch is similar. Five O’clock Follies is totally different. It’s like MASH but set in a briefing center. The Connection is a bit of mystery, suspense, and romance but with a bit of sci-fi mixed in (good grief!).
My hope: To find an audience to entertain and provide “just a good story for you.”